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Google Analytics / Firebase

Google Analytics gets you detailed insights into your customer's behaviour on your brand app.

To integrate Google Analytics, we need to create a Google Firebase project. Google Analytics account is auto created when setting up Google Firebase project.

Create Google Firebase project#

  1. Visit to create a new Firebase Project.

  2. Click on + Add Project

  3. Enter your brand name in step 1

  4. Enable Google Analytics for project and continue

  5. Enter your brand name in Google Analytics Account Name field and select your country below.


Great! your Firebase project with Google Analytics enabled is now created.

Now let's get the details to ingtegrate with your Autiller Business account.

Firebase settings#

Click on gear icon and select Project Settings


Firebase Project ID#

Project ID can be seen in General tab in Project Settings


Add Web App to Project#

  1. Scroll down to Add Apps in General tab of Project Settings and click on <> icon.

  2. Enter your brand name in App Name field and click Register App.


Firebase Auth SDK#

Now copy the highlighted code and paste in Firebase Auth (SDK snippet) in Business Settings of your Autiller account


Google Analytics#

Goto Integrations tab in Project Settings and click on Manage in Google Analytics Card.


Copy the Property ID and paste in Google Analytics Property Id fields in Business Settings of your Autiller account. Make sure time zone and currency is updated.
